Yesterday was one of my best friend's birthdays, and it also happens to be yet another month anniversary for Kyle and I. My friend has always been the type of birthdays to think of birthdays as both happy and sad--she loves to dwell on the fact that yet another year has passed, and that we're only getting older.
It made me think how interesting it is that we put so much emphasis on birthdays and other milestones in our culture. Today, girls are known to turn their birthday celebrations into week-long extravaganzas (yes, my friends and I are guilty of this) and couples seem to celebrate every week of being together.
Perhaps we celebrate to avoid thinking about the time that is passed, or perhaps give these dates meaning merely as an excuse to throw a party. I love celebrating milestones--but I am also the type of person that thinks every day should be celebrated.
I believe that even the simplest of moments in life can be made special if we take the time to cherish them. Every moment is fleeting--so why not celebrate? Throw on your party dress, add a little lipstick to your pout.
Life is a beautiful thing. You will never be this young again, so have some fun. Every day is different, and should be embraced because of that.
Sometimes I struggle with spending too much time wishing it away. And that makes me sad, because I will never get that time back. I want to spend my time being happy, and creating happiness for others.
As my guest ballet professor said last week, "If you send out good vibes to the universe, they're sure to come back to you." It's time we stopped wishing away time, brushing off birthdays and anniversaries. These days are what remind us of the happiest moments of our lives--and why should we push those moments away?
//image via Kate Spade New York's Pinterest
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