Costume designers and stylists alike typically go unnoticed--but they often have the hardest jobs in the fashion and entertainment industries. They create the images that become iconic in our culture. They create history. Head won eight Academy Awards for her costume designs that appeared in films like Roman Holiday, All About Eve and A Place in the Sun.
Head was responsible for many of the unforgettable dresses and outfits that we associate with the Golden Girls of Hollywood. She worked for both Paramount and Universal Pictures. She regularly dressed and designed for Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly and Elizabeth Taylor--yet so many today have never even heard of her name.
People like Edith Head deserve so much more recognition than they receive. I couldn't be more delighted that Google decided to give Head a new life on their homepage yesterday.
A Place in the Sun (1951)
All About Eve (1950)
Roman Holiday (1953)
The woman herself.
Fun fact: Edith Head is actually the inspiration behind the character "Edna Mode" from the Incredibles. Can't you just imagine her yelling, "Pull. Yourself. Together!"